Bouquet Subscription
Really can't get enough of our local flowers? Have lush, farm fresh blooms delivered right to your door with our biweekly bouquet subscription. Each bouquet will be unique to the season. In spring you will see gorgeous Daffodils, Tulips, Ranunculus, Anemones, Iris, and Peonies. Come summertime, bouquets are bursting with Sunflowers, Zinnias, Lilies, and all the wildflowers. Fall is for Dahlias, Lisianthus, Rudbeckia, Amaranth and much more! Images are an example of the size and design of bouquets you will be receiving. Build your own subscription by choosing your favorite months, or select all three for the best of our whole growing season!
Paper wrapped bouquets, no vase included. Local delivery only (15 mile radius surrounding Genoa) on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month. Please leave a vase or jar with fresh water in a shaded spot if you cannot receive your bouquet immediately. Text reminders will be sent out each Monday before delivery day. While we understand life can get in the way, we can't be responsible for the well-being of your bouquet after delivery. See below for directions on how to gift a subscription.
Care Instructions
Click here for instructions on how to have the longest lasting bouquet.
How to Gift a Subscription
Give someone you love the gift of flowers again and again!
1. Add the desired subscription(s) to your cart.
2. Enter the recipient's contact information (email and phone number) in the "Add a Note" in your cart before check out.
3. Enter the recipient's address in the shipping information during check out. **Use your email and phone number during checkout to keep this purchase a suprise.
Finally, print out this giftable certificate to tell them about your amazing, thoughtful gift! We'll take it from there.